The GOAT that ate the Christmas tree
The grass was just not enough for Mani, the Malabar goat, who was always in search for the tasty leaves. He was often seen munching on long green blades of grass and occasionally reaching over the fence to nibble on his favorite! The jackfruit tree leaves from the neighbour’s. Mani was the only goat at the farm, his other siblings either passed away due to some disease or were butchered during an occasion. The farm owners were planning on getting more Malabar goats as his companions. He was lonely, but had complete access to the farm. At night they kept him locked away from the hungry leopards that prowled in the night. When they installed the Christmas tree out in the open, a certain curiosity came upon mani. The dark green leaves from the tree looked delicious! He nibbled on the grass and found his way through to the ornamented Christmas tree. Was this better than the Jack fruit tree leaves? He sniffed at the leaves! Unfamiliar! He licked, bit and nibbled...