
Showing posts with the label Poetry

Behind my eyes.

Solitude, Silence, I’m in my quiet space.  Behind my eyes, is my galaxy!  I see how you glow,  This is a sweet escape to the other side of space,  Where all that is unknown is known.  I travel faster than the speed of light,  Watch the planets align,  I move the stars,  I touch the sun! I play God! 


The sculptor finished carving his deity, but Her eyes!  He looked at every woman’s eye,  Hoping to find inspiration for Her eyes! He was never satisfied.  Then he surrendered to the idea,  Of having Her in Her meditative state.  He would just carve Her eyelids!  With Her eyes gently shut.  He knew he would have ruined it,  If he had craved Her eyes.  Maybe his Goddess didn’t want to open Her eyes.  She was just wandering inwards! 

Take it like a man!

Reality hit hard today.  Punched me on my face!  It hurt for sometime.  I didn’t know what to do!  I was almost knocked out.  Then I remembered my vow,  Of not giving up!  A distant voice told me, To “Take it like a man”!  And that’s what I did!  I can’t win em all!  But I know I play fair!  I’m honest to myself!  If it hits me again?  I’ll take it like a man!  *2 red-dragon fruits. Subtle way of depicting manliness ! 


I feel. I breathe.  I’m alive.  Im still. 


May you heal,  From surface pain!  Your bones, your tissues, your cells, your genes,  May they work in unison for you! May you use all your senses to it’s optimum! May the cold and pathogens not get to you!  May you be strong!  Heal From doubt,  From thoughts,  From fear,  From anger,  From resentment,  From the past.  May your soul find peace, Through your passions,  May you find the courage to forgive yourself and others! Rest well love!  Heal well! 

The Goat and The Water Bearer

Earth and Air!  He was grounded, She loved to fly!  They called her The Water Bearer, While, I was just a Goat!  Air, she blew everything she had,  Water and all.  She  poured her torrential rain,  Into the scorching sun burnt dry Earth!  “You’re warm” said she.  “And You’re cold” said I. We shook our hands,  Testing each other’s might! She felt weak, after all she was just Air! I was wrong!  She then engulfed me, took me to space!  She was just everywhere!  She even filled the vacuum I had within me. I breathed her! I tried to hold on to her.  I couldn’t contain her!  She just blew me away!  The dust settled in The Earth, craved for Air again.  Or at least a breeze in my direction. She was nowhere to be found!  I asked, but got no reply. 


Friend? Lover? Mother?  She’s everything!  I made love to her a million times,  Not with the body.  Alas! My place is called friendzone!  For, there can’t be anything more!  So I wait, just like all the others in the zone,  For my chance,  Saying, if not this time,  Maybe the next life time


I know it’s hot and humid, But why do I have cold feet?  Butterflies in my stomach,  I’m feeling all that again.  I know I’m in love.  She’s an artist,  Paints sceneries and teaches me the art too!  Organised, clarity in speech,  My “crush”  Then I noticed the ring,  There was perhaps a man in her life?  I secretly wished for someone, just like her.  Then it snowed, just on the inside, My heart felt heavy A song left my lips,  I prayed, I manifested!  Now I wait. 

I thirst!

Water, is becoming scarce,  Being in a pool of freshness,  Is just a memory.  We look deep down the earth,  We also look up the skies,  Though it’s the most abundant  The ocean cannot quench your thirst!  What do you give God who says,  “I thirst” ? 


In the game of life,  I have sacrificed the queen! Pawns could become queens,  She will survive only if the game is played right! 

Sinking boat

Men on sinking boat, Knows it’s over, This is when they stop trying, It is game over. 


When you see the world in your palms,  You wouldn’t want to journey much around.  You miss the interactions, the reality, The world in your palm is all vanity.  You gaze the sun, in a chilled room,  No heat on your skin,  No sweat on your brow.  You gotta feel the sand in your shoes brother,  I hope you find the way through the dark paths,  See it with your eyes, taste, hear and feel.  Most importantly talk to people, negotiate deals  It’s all about the experience brother,  I hope you do it before the maggots get to you. 

Sizzling Satan

He was furious!  His anger burnt him.  He even passed on the heat around him,  So much that he burnt everything around him.  Then God sent rain. Satan sizzled. 


You are 75 % me Your thoughts make it sweet  You clean, cook and quench  You are life  You are the most important element  In you I drown 


Can’t sleep  Not by choice,  A mosquito woke me up.  It buzzed around my right ear, Then settled on my left.  And again panned to my right.  My hands found the electric bat. It was all over with a zap I was proud,  I did it with the lights off, lying down.  Alas, Im awake again,  Not by choice, This time,  It’s the dogs outside. 


Fear within Can destroy  Fear of pain  Can destroy  Fear of fear  Is death 


Fight amongst siblings,  Is an auto immune disorder.  What is supposed to be good for,  Is fighting against you  There’s no cure they say,  Unless there’s a miracle,  Where the immune cell understands  What’s good and what’s not.  Until then the host is  SCREWED!


The unknown  The abyss  The magnitude  The depth The fear  The loneliness The wave  The emptiness  The knowledge  The treasure  The breathlessness The anxiety  The food  Your eyes  

Disturbed sleep

You could’ve have a long day,  Or even a better one. But you always look forward to, Tuck inside your bed.  ‘Tis a home inside your home,  Your only true comfort place.  Sink into the wonderfulness  Even dreams are made here!  Then comes miss mosquito!  She doesn’t just need your blood! What’s more annoying?   It’s that bloody BUZZ! 


Hiding behind the hay stack  Jimmy felt safe.  The cops must’ve given up now!  Sighed Jimmy again! There came a violent sneeze, That Jimmy couldn’t contain!  His allergies got him caught. Back to the Jail again!