What’s new with Exodus!

To get the best out of my students, I’m introducing the following after taking a feedback from the parents. I’m going to make this worth every dime they pay! 

1. Resubmissions: if quality of work submitted is not on par with expectations. Some even submit every day. I’m persistent. 

2. Student mini concerts: Online concerts by students for a student audience, to showcase their talents, to develop their performance acumen, dealing with performance stress, develop confidence, public communication etc. 

3. Theory lessons: Open to all students at no extra charge we learn music theory, where students present a topic. This will include quizzes, games and prizes to winners. 

Being the worst student myself, I empathize with my students. I believe, I know what it takes to bring out the best in them. We learn together. 

Some of them puts up a last minute assignment with mediocrity signed all over it. I’m not expecting perfection, just seeking improvement. You can easily spot improvement in a student. 

Few students work very hard and I see exceptional results! Whereas some don’t have it in them to sit down and practice regularly, (talk about bad parenting). My adult students are all lazy, but mesmerized with the idea of playing an instrument. But remember these wise words my friend, ideas are worth nothing without execution. 


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