I float,
Ground is just a memory,
I’m lighter than air,
Gravity has no effect on me,
A gentle wind takes me away,
“Just don’t look down!”
I looked up to the sky!
Light from the sun hit my eye,
I woke up.
I woke up on the ceiling,
I’m still dreaming,
Why is my home upside down?
What happened here?
Who did this to me?
“You did this to yourself”
Came a familiar voice from outside,
Followed by a group, laughing loudly.
Relief, she’s around!
She’s alive!
I relocated under the blades of the fan
I heard a switch
The blades of the fan moved.
Sucked me in
My head, fell on the floor with a thud.
Blood splattered all around.
I heard laughter,
“That fool’s dead now”
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