The Goat and The Water Bearer

Earth and Air! 
He was grounded, She loved to fly! 
They called her The Water Bearer,
While, I was just a Goat! 

Air, she blew everything she had, 
Water and all. 
She  poured her torrential rain, 
Into the scorching sun burnt dry Earth! 

“You’re warm” said she. 
“And You’re cold” said I.
We shook our hands, 
Testing each other’s might!
She felt weak, after all she was just Air!

I was wrong! 
She then engulfed me, took me to space! 
She was just everywhere! 
She even filled the vacuum I had within me.
I breathed her! I tried to hold on to her. 
I couldn’t contain her! 
She just blew me away! 

The dust settled in

The Earth, craved for Air again. 
Or at least a breeze in my direction.
She was nowhere to be found! 
I asked, but got no reply. 


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