
Of passion, obsession and addiction.

Passion I love playing the guitar, I just enjoy the process of working on something difficult and I have the passion to meticulously work on a difficult passage slowly, clearly and build up speed. I feel some sort of pleasure when I see the results, but almost every time i feel there is room for improvement. Obsession Is passion and obsession? I think the its the obsession that drives passion! I am obsessed enough to be self motivated to work towards my passion. I can be passionate and lazy and not work towards it. Addiction Addiction makes me tremble when I miss my dose, its higher than obsession, I've never felt that with music or substances, I have had my addiction under control. I am afraid to tread on this path as addiction can lead to self harm.

Practice makes perfect!

Firstly, is it practise or practice ? (It is easy to follow the Americans so i'll stick with the "c") What is practicing?       The web definition of the practice I am referring to is this:  carry out or perform (a particular activity, method, or custom) habitually or regularly.       Being a music teacher, I find myself asking students to practice and most of the time they do it habitually and regularly as defined. When I fail to see the desired results, I observe that they are performing the activity regularly, and incorrectly. Practice becomes just a mindless ritual.       To have an effective practice session one must be mindful to do it correctly . So, practicing is doing something "CORRECTLY" habitually and regularly, multiple times!

Routine prevents procrastination?

  Procrastination was, is and will be, one of the greater evils in our lives. Don’t we push important tasks to a later period of time to enjoy another quick episode of Breaking Bad?  I started noticing that I did not work, exercise or paid attention to hygiene; I will shamelessly admit, a few years ago. I have tried and failed over and over again to get work done.  Then, I came across an article about one of my favorite guitarists John Petrucci, who did not go out to party or meet anyone until he finished his practice routine. If Myung, John’s friend, saw each other at a party, they knew both had completed their daily practice routine.  Having a strict routine gets work done? Just routine?  Or is it willful mindset?  Is that a paper on the floor? Pick it up! How did it get there? Wait.. there’s a place for that paper! There’s a place for everything!!  A train of thought occurred in my brain as I binged through another episode of Br. B., when I saw the ...

First one after many years!

I got inspired by Seth Godin to start writing, not that I’m very good at it. Its definitely going to help me reflect on certain aspects and life  in general. I am generally a lazy person and I wanted to break out of this laziness. I looked around and noticed that my house was not clean. So on 28th July I challenged myself to clean and organise my living space for 100 days I’m on day 61 today and I think I will continue doing this. This is one of the many things I plan to do, and I will post about the other plans as I work on them soon.  So, let me try this one blog a day thing. Congrats on the first blog Munky!