

It’s 9:40 am I really don’t feel like working out today! I want to sleep in, the weather is also not helping! But I will fight this feeling, I will pick myself up and crawl to the gym! I will have no excuses to give. 


 My parents signed up for a LIC policy when I was in school! This was for 25 years and after I started working, I joined in one. We never missed a payment, and sometimes we could take a loan from the bond easily, for education or hospitalization of a family member, when money was not available.  I was not aware of investments the mutual funds and SIP, everyone associated this to gambling and had a lot of failed stories to tell. LIC was a great discipline, and we build a small backup without realizing with this discipline. 

Strange fruit, like Passion fruit.

Mom, I and Ujwal cleaned up the next plot and burnt some overgrown invasive Lantanas. While doing so, I noticed some small yellow fruit hanging off a creeper, mom told me it’s edible. It tasted and had the same texture as passion fruit. These were like mini passion fruits, sweeter, not sour. I collected a handful of them, and gave some to me niece as well. 

A wonderful day!

I woke up, early at 6:30 am today, to go to watch Oppenheimer. Solomon was ready with the bike, at 7:00 we rode till metro and then took one from Jalahalli cross to Orion Mall! We arrived a few minutes early when hunger kicked in. I bought a paneer sandwich and was glad Solomon was fasting! I also didn’t have to share popcorn with him! The movie was ok! I did not know the contributions of Bohr or Einstein to understand the story line. But I came back with some knowledge. The music was nit very invasive, and they used silence as the bomb detonated, I did expect a loud bang. The film also drew metaphors of the bomb blast in Oppenheimer’s thought processes as he visualized the making of the bomb and the reflected on the after effects later. It was an ok movie! I did not enjoy it, because of my lack of knowledge on the subject.  We raced our way back home, after lunch, I took a nap or not, maybe I whiled away time for an hour and then started my classes. I’m famished even though I didn’t h

Alliance Française de Bangalore

I caught up with Shreyas Dipali today to plan the student concerts. I took an Uber auto rickshaw to his place. I reached a cozy room with a lot of drum kits, wires books, stands and studio materials sprinkled around.  We planned to put them all in a band so they all can play together. We also planned the logistics, made a few calls to sound vendors , videographers and photographers to cover the event. We also planned an approximate budget.  We then drove to Alliance Française to check out the venue. It was quite spacious and  can seat about 250 people. We mentally took note of the area and placed the sound console, band performance and seating area.  After a chat with Dilip, the new care taker, I learnt that Mr Joseph the old care taker passed away recently. I used to see him and chit chat with him every time went there since my Bangalore School of  Music days. His absence was felt.  Shreyas drove me back to his place in RT Nagar and I took a Uber bike back home, clutching Ambur Star b


I have reduced snacking on packaged items quite a bit. I replaced them with some nuts, in limited quantity. My favorite is pumpkin seeds with a teaspoon of honey. I also enjoy pistachios. I’m also having 2 eggs everyday and slightly increased my portion sizes, the workout that I do demands this. I have not been walking 5000 steps out of fear of losing more weight. So it’s all good snacks, fruits and the occasional once a week eating out for me. 


I got a message from Shirley aunty at around 1:00, noon. She sent a video of a wasp nest full of wasps! So I offered to help get rid of it. Ujwal, my nephew and I went there and saw that it was the aggressive kind, and decided to pressure wash it off. Aunty had a Bosch pressure washer that was clogged. We first fixed it and then got the first nest removed.  The second one on the mango tree was quite huge, Ujwal settled on a walk near the tree And yanked it with the stick, Now the wasps attacked. He got a few stingers, he jumped off the wall. We then nursed him for a bit and made a fire torch with some kerosene and a cloth. This time instead of the wall he used a ladder and burnt the nest down. What was remaining of the nest fell off, to our surprise it was quite heavy. We came back home at around 5 pm, Ujwal gulped down an ibuprofen tablet. This was quite some adventure.