A wonderful day!

I woke up, early at 6:30 am today, to go to watch Oppenheimer. Solomon was ready with the bike, at 7:00 we rode till metro and then took one from Jalahalli cross to Orion Mall! We arrived a few minutes early when hunger kicked in. I bought a paneer sandwich and was glad Solomon was fasting! I also didn’t have to share popcorn with him!

The movie was ok! I did not know the contributions of Bohr or Einstein to understand the story line. But I came back with some knowledge. The music was nit very invasive, and they used silence as the bomb detonated, I did expect a loud bang. The film also drew metaphors of the bomb blast in Oppenheimer’s thought processes as he visualized the making of the bomb and the reflected on the after effects later. It was an ok movie! I did not enjoy it, because of my lack of knowledge on the subject. 

We raced our way back home, after lunch, I took a nap or not, maybe I whiled away time for an hour and then started my classes. I’m famished even though I didn’t hit the gym today. This I would call a wonderful day! 


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