Choose your poison!

A shaman was asked, “what is poison?” 
He responded, “Anything beyond what we need is poison. It can be power, laziness, food, ego, ambition, vanity, fear anger or whatever.” 

My Granny used to say this “Athikamayal amruthum visham”. Which is translated to “Even Nectar in excess is poison”. No matter how good something is, too much of it will cause harm or will be toxic for you.

What are you doing too much of? What is the adequate and healthy amount? Only when one is self aware, can one identify what is poisoning them. Once that’s identified, it  takes some will power to say “No” or a “Hell yeah!” to a whole lot of things. 

A few months ago, I listed out how I spent my time every day. I noticed I spent a lot of time on phone. I needed some grounding. I wanted to balance out my life. I had stopped working out after my accident, I re-started that. Now I am spending less time on phone and more time moving my body. 

That being said, I’m “choosing my poison” I made some choices. If my poison kills me, so be it. No regrets. I embrace all the consequences, good and bad that comes with it. 


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