Music Jams

Just to focus on the best thing to happen today, it was playing guitar with my students Ryan and Abhay. Ryan and I warmed up with some finger style, He’s always suggesting new songs to upload on my reels. After Ryan’s class, Abhay came by, and we jammed from 6:30 to 8:00. We spoke about building a career in music. He was more curious to know why I stopped playing live gigs. 

I have noticed this, if anyone played music for the wealth it brings, they were never successful. Whereas, if they just did it for the love of it, wealth was bestowed to them.

My happiness is with my students who are doing exceptionally well. I live my dreams through them. Some are writing their own songs, playing college gigs, they just do it for the love of it. 

This also took me back to my band days with Slain. I would leave to college at 7:00 am and after college and band practice I would reach home at 10:00 pm every single day. It was all for the love of music. We created our own songs, cut an EP, played gigs and won competitions all over the country. I learnt a lot during this time with the best musicians in the country. All of us do music full time now. 

I’m truly grateful for the gift of music. 


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