Ice cream man!

I woke up at 6:30 am, did my chores, piano assignments and then I got really sleepy by 11:00 am Meanwhile Andy and Solomon called in to check on me. And we ended up talking and I missed my shower. 

I took a very tiny nap and was interrupted by Amazon delivery of my neighbour, at #17, they had put #19 in their address. I went out and spoke to them, to change the number in their address as this was the 5th time this month! Then there were calls ; marketing calls, student enquiries. I was getting restless and irritated by now. I went to my quiet place for a bit, in my studio. And it was time for classes at 4:00 

I taught music till 8:30pm Andy and Solomon wanted to plan an evening out, I think it was just to cheer me up. 
We went to New Bel, meanwhile Andy found Tanya and her cousin Akshay on his way and got them riding triples on the bike! We had shawarma and icecream at Milano. We hung out, talked and joked about stuff. It was a fun evening. 

I reached home at around 12:30 and crashed at 1:00 am


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