Dream or Movie?

Satan challenges a guitarist to play a piece of music on paper, failing which, he will take his soul. The guitarist, glances at the sheet of paper and finds it too easy to play. He takes the music sheet, puts it on a table and starts playing. 

A string breaks, cutting his finger, mid performance. He bleeds and a drop falls on this sheet, and immediately it transforms into a music note on paper. Now the guitarist has more notes to play. The sheet absorbs another drop, and the music gets more difficult, also thanks to a missing string. Guess what! things gets worse, another string breaks, and another one, and  the notes keep increasing. The guitarist is so good, he’s able to read and play the music even with the broken strings. 

Finally the sheet music comes to an end, to his relief, and the guitarist gives a satisfying grin, but one final drop falls on the paper and transforms into a “repeat” sign. And Satan goes “ now play again”.

I vividly remember this scene, but I’m not sure if I saw it on TV or in my dream. I was 18/19 years old at that time. I have been looking for this movie ever since. I also asked around, but No body NOSE!


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