
Today an old student of mine pinged me on Instagram, after I posted an old video of mine. Looks like he’s auditioning for a spot in his college band now and he also has a show this Sunday with his band. 

I still remember him, when he came to me in his 4th grade, how soon time has passed! He also shared some of his videos! He plays pretty well for a 16 year old! This made me happy! 

I’m slowly getting back on track with my own things. I’m in the process of letting go of things that don’t belong to me. In fact nothing belongs to me. Everything is within me. The me in me is seeing the you within me clutching a redmi eating ramen from Youmee and we are in one happy place. Hope that made sense. 

Now off I go to trip on some Swami Nityananda stuff!


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