Eating out!

Eating out is expensive! I spend atleast 700 bucks a day just to eat healthy. It’s easier to cook, but at the situation I’m in right now it’s not easy. 

It appears I’m a burden to my family and I have to be independent. I mustered some courage to take my classes today. It was difficult sitting down for too long, but hey, a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. I’m just glad I’m able to work as well. 

I spoke to Vinya today, she guided me to some business strategies to grow my music school. The newsletter Noize is getting a lot of appreciation from parents. I’m glad I didn’t miss the February issue. 

I have to figure out a way to healthy food. Perhaps hire someone to cook maybe. 

PS: one more day I’ll be on my cast feet.. then it’s gonna be healing until 26th. Fingers crossed! Wish me luck!🍀 


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