My music story : #5 Beginnings : Katha Prasangam

I think I was in my second standard, I had this opportunity to deliver a Katha prasangam, literally translates to story speech. The story speech is an art form in Kerala where, a story sprinkled with music, with the same tune! It was not easy but I learnt it and recited it! It was quite long and for me to remember it and recite to the students, parents and teachers on annual day was quite a task. 

Everyone thought it was cool. There was lot of practice done for this. My cousin Johnney Dev, taught me how to recite it, and we practiced everyday for hours together! Then I recited it first to family, many times! They cheered me on, without any distractions, thank God they had no phones that time. So from then on, I realised that we need to practice, regularly to get good at anything! 


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