My music story : #20 : UTC Bhajans volume 2

My violin/singing teacher Rev. Santosh started project, in order to Indianise Christian worship! Enter Bhajans. UTC Bhajans were a hit and they wanted another one. Volume 2. I had the opportunity to sing on the track. 

I went to the studio, sat through the recording procedure. Judah and Jared’s dad Simon Augustine Sandhy ran a studio. I saw sitar, tablas, voices, violin, flute being recorded. I visually absorbed everything I saw, without asking too many questions. I also saw them composing music.Rev. Santosh would play the notes on the harmonium and Mr sandy would immediately change it into staff notation! He could just do that by ear! The song I sang had the violin intro played by Mr Sandhy! He was a kind and patient man, very busy with his work. Later I learnt he recorded Thermal and a Quarter’s first album! 

When it was my turn to sing in the end, i was nervous hearing my own voice on the headphones. That was my first headphone experience, after a lot of corrections and pulling back from the mic to avoid peaking, my recording was done. 

On our way back, Rev. Santosh treated me with a chicken biryani from Taj, Shivaji Nagar. I couldn’t finish the mountain of rice in front of me. I was so done! But biryani was a rarity and luxury those days. I craved for it after I reached home. 

The album UTC Bhajans Vol.2 was an even bigger hit. I became a celebrity amongst all the uncles and aunts there. 
Jayanth uncle’s sister mrs. Malini Jathna also sang on the album, this was years before I met Jayanth uncle. 


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