The human timer!
Arjun felt around for his phone on the table side, and snoozed it, without even looking at it. He had an interview that day! The Alarm went on again after exactly 9 minutes, which he snoozed again, but was woken up instantly by the aroma of coffee that filled his room! Mom was there, yelling at him to wake up, complaining and picking his clothes that were thrown carelessly. She prayed loudly, making sure Arjun heard her, to send her son a wife soon so she can be relieved from all these tasks, while arranging his books on the table, lifting his socks on the table with a pinch, searching for its pair! This was his wake up call, if the alarm didn’t work, his mom was backup!
“Arjun have your shower, Arjun come for breakfast, Arjun do this, do that!” The human timer was spot on! No app or any organizer would work so relentlessly or efficiently!
Years passed, the alarm rang. Arjun woke up instantly, did his chores, went to work. There was no human timer anymore to be found!
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