
My neighbor’s plot is under litigation and is infested by the invasive Lantana plants. During summer this plant dries up and sprouts back again during monsoon. I jumped the wall cleared some of the dried lantana twigs and made a hole on the ground. I’ve seen some volunteer cherry tomatoes and decided to plant some more. 

My trained musician hands wasn’t strong enough for the parched earth, it hurt. My exposed skin got cuts and nicks from the lantana thorns. The sun was pulling out the sweat on my temples, my head hurt! I was dehydrating. 

Mom who saw this had another idea, to plant a papaya tree there. I had to did a pit “knee deep” now! The idea of planting papayas gave me the energy to dig again. I hurried with the cherry tomatoes, threw some into the small hole on the ground and covered it up. And found an abandoned cement block! The ground under the block was free. I could dig easily. The universe conspired to make my work easy! I dug the pit and mom passed me the papaya tree over the wall. I planted it, covered it with soil and poured some water. 

The papaya can grow into a full fledged tree or be eaten by grazing cows. Im just leaving it to fate.

PS:  I have made a small barrier to protect it from hungry bovines. 


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