Denzil’s spaghetti recipe!!

A few weeks ago, Denzil shared a picture on Snapchat, of spaghetti he had made. It had veggies and looked really “healthy”. 

I also had plucked a lot of cherry tomatoes that grew on the empty plot near my house. So my niece and I went to work! She helped clean and pick the tomatoes off the stem, washed the broccoli and carrots. She was the best sous chef ever! I assumed the role of the head chef! 

Here’s the recipe! 


Greek yogurt (I used curd) 
Mixed vegetables (cauliflower baby carrots and broccoli) 
Ginger garlic paste 
Chilli powder 
Garam masala
Coriander powder


  1. Partially boil the vegetables 
  2. Heat up the pan with a little oil / butter and dump the partially boiled vegetables into it. Add some salt and pepper And pan cook it for about 5-7 mins.
  3. You’ll need about 500-600 gms of cherry tomatoes. Before you start these steps, cook ( with salt, little pepper , garlic , little sugar) the cherry tomatoes on high heat till you see them wilt and start releasing juice. Put in blender and keep the tomatoes sauce aside 
  4. Add the tomato sauce to the vegetable mix and properly cook for about 10-15 mins 
  5. Add 5 spoons of greek yogurt and cook it down 
  6. Cook 2 handfuls of spaghetti. Once it’s done, keep some spaghetti water aside and add the boiled spaghetti to the vegetable tomato sauce and then add water to rehydrate it 

I followed this recipe except mine didn’t need the rehydration in the end. I made my spaghetti Al dente and topped it with some cheese and fresh coriander leaves. After plating, my niece wanted the bigger plate and extra cheese on hers! I had to give in to the demanding sous chef! 

The sauce tasted like ketchup and with the cheese it broke the taste meter. 


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