Chat GPT!

I asked chatGPT the chicken or the egg question!  Here’s what I received!

“The question of whether the chicken or the egg came first has been a philosophical conundrum for centuries. However, from a scientific perspective, the answer is that the egg came first.

This is because the process of evolution occurs over a long period of time, and gradual changes accumulate over generations. In the case of chickens, they evolved from earlier bird species, and the first chicken would have hatched from an egg laid by one of its ancestors.

Therefore, the egg must have come first, as it was laid by an ancestor that was not quite a chicken but evolved into one. This process of evolution is known as "anagenesis" and is how new species arise over time.

So, while the question of the chicken or the egg may never be fully answered from a philosophical perspective, from a scientific standpoint, it is clear that the egg came first.”

Mind blown! 


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