COD game strategy of my pals.

From the best player, I think, to the worst. 

Cameron: find the loot quietly, always get the chip upgrade, use the shield efficiently, fight the enemy that the other players are picking on for no reason, die saving them and sometimes succeed. 

Allen: find basic loot, find chopper go to all the drop boxes  for premium weapons and plates, pick fights that can be fought inside smokes. 

Bhanu: find guns, plate up 75%, fight enemy squads alone and die while others scan the dog tags to bring you back to repeat the cycle. 

Solomon: loot to the greatest detail, including the recoil settings, gun aim settings, gyroscope settings, kill a few bots, in search of squads die outside the zone. 

Vridhi: Loot, shoot fight anything and everything, even own team mate’s chopper, scope in with snipers but pick only close combat fights and heal! 

Denzil: A great obedient soldier! Plays really well with precise instructions from Solomon. 

Andy: Jump to Construction Site, find sniper ammunition, find AR, get in the chopper and fly around without plating up. Be the last guy to arrive when the fight is on, pick up other team mates who are dead or knocked, die not knowing what hit him, get picked up and jump again to find his own crate pick up old stuff, look for sniper ammunition again. 

Me: Spectate and comment on the games and bring in unrelated conversations to the table. 


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