Fever - 5

I had been lagging behind on my piano assignment submissions. Some of these assignments require me to count loudly and hang a sore throat and body pain definitely does not make it easy. 

Here’s how my day went I woke up at 7:30 am after an ok sleep cycle.  Put an apple in blender, boiled water, ordered food, took a steam, gargled, brushed, took my before food meds, drank the apple pulp, had the food I ordered, took my after food meds, took off my shirt, switched on the water pump (important),  poured water for the plants in the sun, drank a glass of water, took my cough syrup, sat down to submit my piano assignments. 

The assignments were much difficult, I hadn’t practiced all these days. Somehow I finished it all by 11:15 am. I came to my bed and heard some water trickling! I had forgotten to switch off the pump! I immediately switched it off. I have to ALWAYS! I mean ALWAYS set a reminder to switch it off.   


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