Super mom

I teach music to Ivan, Abel and Hannah! Their mom is a super mom. I had a long conversation with her today, because their kids are always engaged with something to do and they have time for everything! This is their routine.  

5:00 am wake up 
6:00 am tennis/workout or music class 
7:30 am school 
4:00 pm play time 
6:00 pm studies/tuition/music practice 
9:30 pm sleep 

Hannah says, “by the time it’s 9:30 we are super tired we cannot stay up” 

It’s Mrs and Mr Thomas that drives the kids and constantly behind them. It’s quite different from the over glorified “working moms” who ignore their kids completely. Not saying working mom’s are bad, it’s just a privilege to have that choice of being a stay at home mom. There is a rising population of irresponsible mothers and fathers. And this family is quite some relief for a music teacher like myself. 


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