Fountainhas, Ravi & Maria

 Solo and I woke up early at 6:30ish today to go to Fountainhas to click pictures. We entered this area and saw an open church full of worshipers. We strolled passed the church, careful to make no noise. This place had a lot of colourful houses, so we ended up taking pictures, till we felt weirded out by the unwelcome faces of the people living there. We were intruders, and people were not very welcoming. We left the place immediately and came back to Grandpa’s inn. 

Then we went shopping for bebinca to Mapusa market came back, called Ravi for lunch. Met Ravi and Maria and spent some time chatting and catching up and we rode back to Vasco train station. 

On a side note, we were supposed to enter from the next station. The TTR caught us and asked to pay a fine. We got away with paying 200 bucks. The journey continues. 


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