Hemanth Sharma
Back in the day, some time in 2008, I worked two jobs, advertising and teaching music at Adobe. There, I met Hemanth, this awesome guy with all the recording gadgets and he was way ahead of everyone else! Absolutely brilliant. He knew just about everything tech, and he was everyone’s go-to guy for any tech related issues. He became my guitar student for a short bit and helped make my business logo. We reconnected after all these years on linked-in! Now he “founded” the soon to be Design Brain Studio and together we are revamping my music school’s website, changing the logo a tad bit, to fit in with the modern minimalist trend. It’s been amazing interacting with him, to understand what tech goes behind making a website. Very insightful interacting with him because we are similar, turning our passion into business. And, I can’t believe I was considering a corporate career a few months ago.