
Denzil’s paper presentation

I attended (online) my friend Denzil’s thesis presentation on the use of AI on data analysis for Cardiac problems, at Delft, Netherlands. I did not understand the core concepts or data sheets, statistical or medical jargons, but I felt a sense of pride in seeing him there. He will be back in Bangalore, next month 10th April after he completes his studies for a few months. Looking forward to hanging out with him. 

Free day!

Most of my students are on their final examination. So, most of them cancelled today’s class. I also rescheduled a few to tomorrow to free up my day. I have some piano assignments to submit and some luxury to while away time. It was a nice productive day so far, I completed my 5000 steps as well.  So after this blog, I’ll water my plants, shower and chill! 

Why I write, what I write?

To the guys poking fun at me about my blogs.  I enjoyed the pokes at me, this really made me think and reflect on why I do this. I’m glad I got 3 pairs of eyes on my humble blogs. Thank you for reading. Here’s why I write or get poetic but really it’s all just bull.  Habit formation:  I had a problem being consistent, I used to miss my classes regularly, not do my bed. So I needed something easy to do and something I would stick to no matter what! I was not consistent with anything that I started. So, I started these blogs. Sometimes I have nothing to say, but I still make a point to write my blogs every single day, without the need for  manipulating the dates.   Attention seeking:  I love the attention I get. But I seek healthy attention, I want to be known for being consistent and reliable not for the “quality content”. Maybe someone will read these blogs after I’m gone. Yes, I’m known for writing shit every single day on a public platform.  Creativity:  I do not have writers block,

Tsunami Eyes

He sat on the right side of the bench, browsing on his phone, enjoying the various shorts and reels; meal prep, comedy, dance that were sprinkled with some suggestive content as well. That was how he spent his one hour “walk” at the park. He never understood why his daughter was so adamant and particular that he took a walk at the park every single day.   He did not enjoy it. It made his knees hurt and swell, but it was what the doctor had recommended along with a light stretching routine from his physiotherapist. His daughter strictly oversaw the stretching exercises before he took his “walk”.  Eventually, the park bench became his throne. He felt like a king! No nagging and haggling there,  just peace. He looked forward to his bench time, though he hated the five minute walk from home to the park. The bench faced the entrance of the park. He occasionally glanced at the folk, especially the middle aged women, who entered and exited the gate from time to time. He missed his wife.  This

Don’t smoke!

Your lungs deserve her bags full of fresh air!  Breathe, air!  When you are already gasping for air,  Why would you suffocate yourself further?  So here’s just a reminder for you to quit the smoke,  And, don’t forget to Hydrate! 

Nandana meals

I broke my fast at 11:30 am today with 2 idlis from Emmanuel’s place.  Jude, Sharmi, Andy, Jerusha, Soumya, Sam, their kids Aaron and Nathan and I, we all decided to go to Nandana for their leaf spread veg meals. We also included chicken, which I indulged in as this was allowed in the weekends.  There’s something about the Andhra style bhojanam. Rice is served with generous amount of pappu (dal and some green leaf) and ghee. This in combination with their gun powder is heavenly. I also had rice with sambar and rasam and washed it all down with buttermilk. Then the dal payasam settled my tastebuds. I ended my feeding time with corner house ice cream.  My next meal will be at 11:00 am tomorrow! Can’t wait! 

Intermittent fasting continues!

I’m trying to fast for 18 hours just for a day. My last meal was at 4:00 pm and I’ll wait till 10/11:00 am tomorrow to break the fast! I also supplemented with vitamin D and B today, to max out on the benefits. I am getting my well deserved uninterrupted sleep. I also feel good! The plan is to go until Easter with the fast.  The last week I got done with my waking, by 10:00 am before the breakfast. Looking forward to do this again tomorrow!