
Deleting all the WhatsApp

I deleted all the previous chats and data yesterday. 65gb of space was free from my phone. I did lose some important chats and videos. Out with the old. In with the new. life also has a reset button. But we seldom use it because we are attached and entangled with the people we share it with. I wouldn’t dare to hit the reset button of life. That’s gonna kill me. 

Walking daily!

Today was the fifth day of walking over 5000 steps. My target is 10000 but I was not sure if my phone was tracking my steps correctly. So I got myself a fast track smart watch. This was on sale and I also added some Amazon points that I accumulated over the past. The watch costed me around ₹1500. I’m just getting used to it.  It looks like I have been walking just around 3500 to 4000 steps. Must take it up a notch gradually. 

Why oh why?

 It’s 10:15 and I’m still not up from my bed! Today is my day off and there’s nothing to do other than my piano assignments.  I stayed in bed, played chess, went through some reels and videos and dozed off again. I was woken up by some heavy band set playing outside my lane that ended with crackers. I didn’t bother to get off my bed to investigate.  I’m hungry, I need to brush, take a dump, take shower but I need many more 5 minutes before I want to even try. Bye. Good night!

Biryani time with Niece!

I swiggied some pothi biryani from Thalasseri restaurant. This was quite unplanned, my body was craving for some chicken! When the packet arrived, my niece came to request help to turn the tv on. I took the pothi biryani to the dining are where the tv is kept, and we shared the biryani. The biryani was packed with one banana leaf in a news paper.  She was trying to eat watching the tv behind her, (I placed her in such a way to irritate her). She would eat some biryani and look into the tv. I noticed she enjoyed her chicken so much, so I hid all the chicken under the rice. When her turn came ti eat she was surprised that I had eaten all the chicken! She asked me with disappointment, “did you finish it?”. She had a heavenly glow when I revealed the hidden chicken. 

COD game strategy of my pals.

From the best player, I think, to the worst.  Cameron: find the loot quietly, always get the chip upgrade, use the shield efficiently, fight the enemy that the other players are picking on for no reason, die saving them and sometimes succeed.  Allen: find basic loot, find chopper go to all the drop boxes  for premium weapons and plates, pick fights that can be fought inside smokes.  Bhanu: find guns, plate up 75%, fight enemy squads alone and die while others scan the dog tags to bring you back to repeat the cycle.  Solomon: loot to the greatest detail, including the recoil settings, gun aim settings, gyroscope settings, kill a few bots, in search of squads die outside the zone.  Vridhi: Loot, shoot fight anything and everything, even own team mate’s chopper, scope in with snipers but pick only close combat fights and heal!  Denzil: A great obedient soldier! Plays really well with precise instructions from Solomon.  Andy: Jump to Construction Site, find sniper ammunition, find AR, get

Laundry week!

I’ve been washing all my shelved clothes and the used ones this week. It’s easy with the washing machine. I allow the clothes to pile up a little so it can all go to the laundry on the same day. After washing I reverse them and dry in the direct sun, flipping them after an hour so it gets the sun evenly. Then, after my lunch, walk and nap, I spend some time folding them and organizing them in my closet! 

Chess games and COD!

 Every night my friends and I, join discord and chat away while some of them play Call of Duty fondly known as COD. Last night everyone joined late. So some of us discussed how we play chess and shared tips and tricks. Camy,  Bhanu alias Reeko aka Magnus and Vridhi aka storm, joined chess and we have some long games going on there.  As far as COD goes I enjoy spectating and commenting on the gameplay, especially Andy’s gameplay. It’s fun to watch different strategies at play!