

How soon did Sunday pass! I woke up early and cleaned my bedroom and kitchen, I did this while listening to sermon from Bethel church. I did all my morning routine and went to church and then to Samuel Robert’s house warming. Then Andy and I got my car’s oil checked and topped up and prepared for our trip to Shettihalli Church! Today is the day for the road trip with Solomon and Andy! 

It’s raining blogs!

Two of my friends started writing blogs regularly! Thanks to Seth Godin who inspired me to write every day, which led to, me starting the blog fire in Solomon and Anderson.  When I started writing I just didn’t care about sounding cool or fear being judged. I totally accepted my flaws and lack of knowledge, shared my blog with these two friends. They read almost all my blogs, they kept me going! They reminded me when my blogs were missing! My friends nudged me and I nudged them to writing!  I have watched how Solomon struggled in his younger years, he picked himself up, got educated, got his priorities right, and most importantly did something about the things that were bothering him. Just watching him turn into one of the most reliable friends I have itself is a blessing.  Andy, though he struggles in silence, always finds a way! He is guided into the right path through the love from his mom! He tries his best to walk in God’s ways. He absolutely submits and commits only to things he

Submit to your teacher, after you find one.

I take my time to find the best teachers for my music lessons. Right now I’m being challenged to everything possible. Little details to the way I sit, to the way I keep my fingers! These teachers pay attention to details and I appreciate it them even though it’s quite challenging.  After finding these teachers (they are a mom daughter duo), I decided to submit with devotion! I decided to give my utmost respect  and listen and grasp everything she uttered. She challenged me with a lot of assignments with specific goals.  Sometimes this would take me a few hours to days to  complete. I stayed up from 9:00 to 11:30 pm one day submitting assignments! Achieving speed and accuracy sometimes takes days!  The more I submitted on time, I was challenged again to re submit them as it was not good enough!  It was so frustrating sometimes but I went back to my initial mindset of submitting to my teachers.  I was being taught simple things that I have already knew, it was redundant!  I stuck to my m

Clean up part 2

I was too tired to clean yesterday! I had a lot to prepare and learn. So today I had to clean up, i at least had 3 days pending work. I began with the music area, wiped the bookshelf replaced all the things! Trust me it had a lot of things misplaced, it’s so difficult to control what goes where with guests over.  Under the stairs was next! Yesterday,  I was supposed to take out everything  and rearrange, sweep the area for spiders and cobwebs. So, I did that today.  Living room was next. I swept the area, dusted the carpet and replaced a lot of things left on my couch! I found some money as well! Tomorrow I will clean my bedroom and maybe kitchen if I have the energy! 

Honey bee update

 I’ve set a trap for honey bees. The idea was to create a natural home for the bees, use some of its wax to sort of invite the bees and let it know where the hive is. If this plan fails, plan b is to source it from a bee keeper. It is assumed that stingless bee hives split during the October - November months. Let’s hope the bees find the hive. Fingers crossed! 

Who put the FUN in FUNeral?

Being joyful even during the most challenging situation is a tough thing to do.  I hope we at least find the courage to be immune to  pain and just be calm, regardless of what the situation is.  It’s indeed a hard thing to do! This too shall pass! 


I’m doing all the rearranging of things after last week of nephews and nieces. Planning to do one room at a time. Yesterday I cleaned out my studio! Every furniture moved, every nook and cranny was swept! I just had the flow while doing it and didn’t stop till I was done. Todays plan is to clean up the office common space.