It’s raining blogs!

Two of my friends started writing blogs regularly! Thanks to Seth Godin who inspired me to write every day, which led to, me starting the blog fire in Solomon and Anderson. 

When I started writing I just didn’t care about sounding cool or fear being judged. I totally accepted my flaws and lack of knowledge, shared my blog with these two friends. They read almost all my blogs, they kept me going! They reminded me when my blogs were missing! My friends nudged me and I nudged them to writing! 

I have watched how Solomon struggled in his younger years, he picked himself up, got educated, got his priorities right, and most importantly did something about the things that were bothering him. Just watching him turn into one of the most reliable friends I have itself is a blessing. 

Andy, though he struggles in silence, always finds a way! He is guided into the right path through the love from his mom! He tries his best to walk in God’s ways. He absolutely submits and commits only to things he resonates with. No amount of peer pressure can get to him. 

I enjoy the company of these guys! We share our interests in humour, discussing controversial topics that could get us cancelled, mind games we play with each other and others around us! We are never fake with each other! Being able to say things to each other’s face with all honesty, built this friendship and brother hood! 

Ofcourse, my friends and I are humans! We are not perfect. But we will help each other build ourselves! Not everyone has the grit and resilience to stay in our belt! Because we demand growth and development from who ever joins us. We call out each other’s bull shit. We accept our mistakes and pick ourselves up! We get knocked down we get up again! 

Your can read their blogs here  

Get into Solomon’s brain here: 

Andy’s premium pearls of wisdom here: 

I have one more non blog reading-writing friend! Denzil, that’s for another blog. 


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