
Next one

I know the moment has passed We are done talking, for now. It was fun while it lasted  Too bad we have things to do  We have to adult now,  But it was fun while it lasted  You have your shit to do,  I have mine, It was definitely fun while it lasted  You’re no puppet of mine,  And I’m not yours  Sure fun, while it lasted You go your way,  I go mine, until next time Looking forward to the next one.

Non-stop work today

 I woke up early for my classes at 7:30 am. I still found time to practice my guitar. The highlight for today was me being able to sit still, meditate and focus for 30 minutes straight. I poured all my attention and energy to this and when I opened my eyes I was transported to a dream like state. I guess this is what prayer does. I felt really good.  After this I went to celebrate Ujwal and Ullas’s dad’s birthday. I ordered a mango cake and everyone loved it.  The day continued with interesting conversations and then I started classes from 5:00 pm and it’s still on. Looking forward to tomorrow. 

Museum visit

 Liyo and I borrowed Sebin’s Activa and went to the museum. It started raining, we had my uncle’s trusty Popy umbrella  that kept the top half dry but our pants were completely drenched. We took a walk around the museum to get the feel of the place. Then we went inside the museum of history and heritage  and saw some cave paintings. They sliced the rock to display it there. The museum also had urns, tools etc. saved gem Stone Age and progressed through the time period. After this we went to the Napier museum, which had lot of ancient carvings on rock, ivory, and wood.  The we went to the art gallery that displayed most of Raja Ravi Varma’s paintings. One of which that stood out was this painting of  Rukmangada and Mohini, read and see it here  Then we we went out for lunch again got drenched and reached back home. 

Rain shower

 It rained nonstop today and so I took a shower in the rain today and this was one awesome experience! The rain fall was quite heavy and cooled my body down.  I had just come from uncle John’s house, he is quite wise and is an Ayurvedic practitioner, I spent time discussing my food and sleep habits. On my way back Liyo and I saw a mango that fell from a tree and picked it up. We also purchased a few for home. We had mangoes in the rain.  I also spoke to Andy earlier for a bit today and we caught up. 


 Today I spent time meditating and controlling the way I felt. I forced myself to be in complete control of my consciousness. It was hard to focus. I kept getting distracted but I continued bringing it back. I did this from 10:00 to 1:00 and it was addicting until I got hungry and came down for lunch.  Then I helped Ullas with his matrimonial site profile. I literally had to sell him there. This took some time coordinating with the broker and the support staff at Christian Matrimonial. 


I woke up quite disturbed today, so I decided to go to church. At church I forced myself to sit through the worship but I couldn’t. I felt alone and decided to take a walk before the sermon. I missed my friends but decided to not call anyone. I wanted to deal with this all by myself. I walked to the Karamana river near our property and watched the river flow by and walked back home.  It’s strange to feel lonely when there are people around, you constantly crave for their company, but, if you are miserable when you are alone you are in bad company. So, excuse me while I kiss the sky. 

Catching up on some sleep!

 I couldn’t sleep last night! I didn’t sleep in, I started my classes early today and somehow got through them! Then I had my lunch and just fell dead asleep. I briefly woke up and slept again. I dreamt of me being a wood chopper, who lost my axe! And the goddess appeared, and told me to stop working and to go hang myself. I was shocked to my sense of wakefulness!  Then I remembered to write this blog! And here it is!