

My fever has come down. I just have slight heaviness on my chest and back, and cough. I’m going to complete my antibiotic course without fail. I’m positive this will resolve quickly.  My piano assignments were reviewed and I’ve to make so many corrections. Looks like I have to send them again.  Looking forward to what today throws at me! 

Fever - 5

I had been lagging behind on my piano assignment submissions. Some of these assignments require me to count loudly and hang a sore throat and body pain definitely does not make it easy.  Here’s how my day went I woke up at 7:30 am after an ok sleep cycle.  Put an apple in blender, boiled water, ordered food, took a steam, gargled, brushed, took my before food meds, drank the apple pulp, had the food I ordered, took my after food meds, took off my shirt, switched on the water pump (important),  poured water for the plants in the sun, drank a glass of water, took my cough syrup, sat down to submit my piano assignments.  The assignments were much difficult, I hadn’t practiced all these days. Somehow I finished it all by 11:15 am. I came to my bed and heard some water trickling! I had forgotten to switch off the pump! I immediately switched it off. I have to ALWAYS! I mean ALWAYS set a reminder to switch it off.   

Fever - 4

 I couldn’t sleep last night. Body pain, fever, cough. Loss of appetite. I consulted with Dr Berjin online and he put me on some antibiotics. I’m too tired to think and write today.  I found enough strength to drag myself to brush and go shopping for medicines and fruits. I ate one thatte Idli today and took my pills. I’m gonna need some sleep! 

Fever -3

 I felt much better after taking a Dolo! I decided to stay back after the wedding. I kept the mask on, being very careful and took it out only to take pictures and to eat.  Andy introduced me to Cheryl and skillfully missed most of the programs he was supposed to be a part of, he claimed he had some genuine work. But I suspect he missed the program to avoid dancing and singing.  I hung out mostly with Allen, Stephen and Emmanuel. I took a ride back with Sahana aunty and Amanda and reached home at 10:30 and crashed 

Fever -2

Sticking to plans for  Susan’s wedding today, I have very high fever. I’ll be wearing a mask through out and will leave the venue as soon as I play the song. I’m also feeling weak. If it wasn’t for that song I wouldn’t be going today. I had chills and fever and cold.  Dolo should do the trick to give me 4 hours of time there. 


 I just finished practicing the song for Susan’s wedding. I have fever! I had no sense of space, just floated though the rehearsal. A drunk hindi guy came in during the practice and started joining in for the tamil song. It was so funny! Jayanth uncle takes back to him in Kannada and said let him learn some South Indian languages. He was later escorted out by Edwin uncle.  Now practise is over. I have to sort out dinner and get some valuable shut eye! 


Third skin,  Warm and cozy  Carrier of things,  Never underestimate  The hoodie