
Waking up at 3:30

I slept early last night at 8:30, just to wake up early by 6:00 but my body just woke up at 3:30 am. I listened to a few podcasts, and was surprised I was alert and focused at the time of the hour. I’m not sure how practical waking up so early will be for me. But I’m going to make an attempt to sleep early and get some sun early morning. 


We have the Snapchat streaks going on with some of my buddies! I started streaks with Valerine and it’s been 758 days of Snapchat pictures shared back and forth with her. I also have this with other friends in the range of 500s.  Snapchat streaks helped us stay in touch during lockdowns. It was quite assuring to tell each other we were ok. Some friends were hospitalized during Covid and even that did not stop them from snapping! If a snap didn’t show up we would call or text to find out if they were ok. This got us together even though we were locked down or in different countries!  

Blah day!

 I stayed on bed till 1:00 noon! To wake up to a message from the client. “Our event had been postponed to Feb, We might need few changes.” So no pay until Feb? Nothing is clear!  I worked over 20 hours with Emmanuel and deserve to be compensated but the client also happens to be an acquaintance. I have to pay Emmanuel from my pocket,  FML!! 

Long day!

I started my day at church. Went for breakfast and stayed back for the quiz. After a heavy biryani lunch Emmanuel and I worked on the video for a client (Telstra) then I went to commercial street with Jude, Sharmi and Andy to buy Christmas items for church. I drove to and back to church continued editing with Emmanuel. It’s 10:30 and the video is still rendering. I’m hoping to go home and crash! 

Full capacity!

God has indeed made my small music school a blessing to many of my students. We are seeing wonderful results! Moreover, we are at almost full capacity! Looks like I’ll have no life from now on. God has always shown the right path to me. I just stayed organised and just put my head down and worked. I know this business has ups and downs but even though there’s not much money made, my heart goes out to the happy faces of my hard working students who play exceptionally well and some of them find joy just practicing while some like a competition.  Thank you lord for blessing me. I’m grateful. 

Editing a track headaches!

I was approached by Sharon to make a video compilation for their company’s harmony day. I agreed to it and  I was sent a ton of tracks! Nothing syncs! This is going to be the longest 3 days of my life! I’ve included Emmanuel to this project, the incentive is that we will get paid but this is too much work. Fingers crossed! 

Fenced up

Sometimes you are pulled   From all directions, some unknown  You are stagnant!  What do you do?  You stay in that comfort zone?  Let me tell you what I did, friend  I fixed the stagnant lake I’m in! Birds flew to me, fishes grew in abundance  Once a stagnant lake,  Now brimming with life.  Then I felt it  That pulling stopped!  There, they all came,  And started taking away,  More than I can give.  So I guarded my lake,  Put up a fence  Also a guard I kept.  To protect my fishes,  And to let only birds in.