
IKEA- shifting the Indian mindset?

As an Indian, I find comfort in being served! You go to a restaurant or even if it is your own home, you had someone serving you. How about furniture or plumbing or even construction? We always found a laborer and made sure we got it done by someone else. I now see a shift happening in this mindset. We are moving  towards the DIY,  self help kingdom! We are installing furnitures and painting our walls fixing the plumbing all by ourselves more than we were!  I went to IKEA, Nagasandra to pick up some bookshelves and I noticed that no body was served there! You had to look through items or search online and find it. Even when you asked for help you were given directions to find it, not a “let me find it and bring it to you sir” . Missed some item at billing? You had to go back all the way and retrieve the things you want.  How about furniture assembly? It’s completely DIY! You are again given instructions to assemble this. No installation team is going to visit you, unless you hire a cre

WD 40

This magical chemical elixir (please don’t drink it) is  amazing, especially for a musician like me. I have cleaned my guitar with it, sprayed on strings to remove dirt and rust! I have even sprayed on the circuits inside on a volume pot and it magically worked!  I heard about WD 40 at a Christian camp I attended with my band Slain, back in the day. Our band was the headlining act for the campers. I learnt there that even NASA used this on their spaceship!  I continue to use WD 40 for removing sticker stains from surfaces, even the tough ones on the decathlon bottles peeled off with no gum residue! I also use it on creaking rusted gates and notice the gate ease quite well. 

A second brain

Having a second brain will increase your productivity. Imagine a scenario where you don’t have to remember any task or activity that you are supposed to accomplish! All you have to do is refer to this second brain, which could be just your notes taking app. For eg, sometimes I find it really tedious to come up with topics to write about. So when an idea strikes, I note it down on a note taking app. I’m hearing a lot about this app called Notion! I’m going to try the free version and maybe organize my tasks and this is going to save some thinking time and ease my brain a little bit. This will also get my tasks done across various aspects of my life. 


I caught a viral cold. The way I felt was weird. I felt detached from my body, dazed. I did not have any fever, maybe a very mild temperature. I’ve never felt this way before! I couldn’t keep track of time and my appetite was pretty good! I just wanted to eat eat and eat in between all this. Hope this resolves soon, coz I don’t want to sneeze. Just staying hydrated for now. 

Two types of people

Saw this meme and made me think about what kind of a man I am! I am now pushing through the pain that life has put, not so gently on my shoulders and spine! I am Dave Grohl! The guitar he is holding and his broken leg is the perfect example of what life is. I will do things that I want even when I’m in pain. I will develop brain calluses and be oblivious to painful situations.  Wearing a finger cap may help you play with ease! I prefer the callus! It helps me feel with my fingers! Maybe that why some people don’t wear dentures? That’s for another blog! 

Email organization

I’ve been bothered by the countless promotion emails in my inbox. So I decided to unsubscribe to them, and also send a few to spam folders! It took some effort to meticulously go through each email and unsubscribe. I did this over a period of one week and viola! No more clutter! 

Volunteer pumpkin!

 Sometimes life grants you with some unexpected blessings, sometimes it’s in the form of a volunteer pumpkin wine! You did not plant it, it just grew from your kitchen waste! Unexpected treats like this are truly from God! You, reading this will be blessed as well! Just wait for it!