Deciding when to stop!

I wrote a blues song 7 years ago, called “I need glasses” for a solo set at Sofar Sounds.  It was quite difficult to finish the song! I had worked on wording it for months and months but was never happy! 

I showed it to a singer-songwriter friend of mine Mahesh Raghunandan. He gave me a few tips on singing and breath work, (I don’t usually sing in public). He also added , “The song will be done, when you stop working on it”. After a long thought, I figured it was time to stop, and viola the song was done. 

Maybe I was just being a perfectionist, trying to make the best song in the world! 
I started to see my musical journey in two perspectives. 

One, learn songs from the masters, practice, share it with people to enjoy. Basically, play, teach and learn music. This one literally is to please people and pay my bills. 

Two. Here is where I put your heart and soul, This is not for everyone to hear. This is my “me time” building my skills, honing my craft relentlessly. I will never let this fade away, because this means a lot to me. 



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