
Showing posts from March, 2024


A father’s tough love,   Maybe the son didn’t want rescuing, He just wanted some kind words from his father,  His father, the living God,  Chose to be oblivions.  The son realized, he was abandoned!  Why else would he, cry out twice,  Father, father!  Why have you forsaken me?  There’s no record of any response from the father!  So the son decided to pick himself up  And RISE! 

Cut sugarcane!

 We get diced sugarcane on instamart. I make sure I stack some up! It’s an amazing summer treat! Brilliant.  I’m continuing to heel walk, and managing classes. I have swelling on my legs. I take breaks between classes to ease the pain. Life goes on! Stay strong! Ting tong. 

My new favorite spot!

 My living room invites a lot of sun in the morning through the windows. I sit there, everyday doing my music assignments, planning lessons and listening to podcasts. Today I got an hour of early morning sun. 

I can feel my legs again!

My right leg was numb but today I walked for a little bit using the side of my feet as suggested by the doctor. I could walk with one crutch. I felt my leg coming back to life. There was a blood rush. I will do a lot of strengthening  exercises after I get better.  I also had a full shower no more cover in the shower! I poured warm water on my feet and it felt weird at first. The k wire wound is sealed with a band aid. I also got some early morning sun hitting my feet.  I dreamt last night of me jumping high and landing on my feet! 

Heeling and healing

 I’m learning to walk again, but I can’t use 80% of my feet. As I heal walk, I am more aware of the things we take for granted. My skin that was hidden for almost 1 and a half month is peeling off. I have 6 more weeks to heal. 

K-wire removed!

I saw the X-ray. The bone has not healed much as I expected. But doctors were confident and told me that the k-wire can be removed. I was kind of worried a lot about the pain. The doctor also hyped it a lot and said it’s a 2 minute procedure and scared me intentionally. She removed the wire quickly without any anasthetic and I did not feel a thing! Then the opening was cleaned and that’s when it hurt. The wound is right now covers with gauze and plastered. I can wash my legs after a couple of days and I can apply bandaid. I must heel walk for the next 6 weeks. And see the doctor after 3 weeks again. I want my bones to heal and join and be normal again. I pray for all the healing to my bones. 

One more day

 I have the gitters! One more day and doctors will examine the X-ray, after which the K wire will be removed. I’m quite worried about the pain it can inflict and I’m worrying about all the things that could go wrong. Fingers crossed for tomorrow. 

I thirst -2

Morning, is the best part of the day. The cool breeze that enters my bedroom is fresh but as the day progresses, it gets hotter. A few minutes in the sun, I’m toast. I feel for the trees and plants that are drying. I noticed that the jasmine I planted a couple of years ago is wilting. We all need the rain. We thirst. 

3 more days

3 more days to an X-ray and after that the doctor will decide to remove the k wire on my leg. My leg hurts when I walk with the cast on, but I somehow pulled through the day and took all the classes even though I was tempted to cancel.  I end this blog with a prayer to end this pain. 


 I’m watching a lot of travel documentaries, though I’m not able to go on trips right now, YouTube becomes a great source of digital travel.  I quickly learnt how the Dutch moved the sea to make way for land using innovative technologies. They also have flat lands with huge farm lands farmed using tractors with the help of AI and also drones while preserving their history, evident in well maintained windmills and traditional colourful wooden houses in Zaanse Schans! They used windmills for making flour, sawing wood and also to pump water away from the land to move the sea.  I wonder how long man will be able to hold up the mighty sea! 


 I saw this movie Brahmayugam today. It wad completely made in black and white. The story was quite eerie and unsettling. A proper head messer. Mammooty did an amazing job in this one. This movie strangely took me to familiar places that I heard stories of from my grandmother. I could totally relate to the architecture, mostly wood, from that era. I hope there’s a part 2. 

VBS volunteer

 Soumya got in touch with me to help put together a team for helping with singing. I told I’ll be there but I’m not sure if I can contribute with my leg just healing. I think I’ll be there regardless to help out in whichever way I can. 

10 minutes in the sun!

I’ve made it a habit to get a little bit of sun everyday atleast for 10 minutes. My vitamin D levels are great. This will help maintain it. I choose between 8:30 and 9:30 for my sun time. I sit out with my phone. I’m writing this as I get my sun! Ok bye! 


 I started a music production course on udemy. It will take 100 days for me to finish the course. I learnt about quantising and various features in Logic. I’m quite excited to have this going amongst other things. 

Oh the feeling!

I felt the cold floor under my feet,  I felt the pain while I walked on gravel,  I felt the soft warm wet mud in my garden, I felt Toffee’s wet nose against my shin,  I stood on my toes reaching for mulberries, And then I woke up. 

How do you spend your time?

I have been pondering how I would spend my time on a normal day. I figured that I do all the important tasks at the stipulated time assigned for that particular task. This allows a seamless way of transferring energy from one task to another.  I enjoy my nap to rest in between to come back to a heavier task in hand. 


 I’ve been feeling sleepy ever since I woke up today. I have never felt this urge to sleep for a long time. I have a few classes today. I need to allow complete rest to my body. Rest well my friend(to me). 


An idea is nothing without execution. I actually wrote down a list of ideas in this blog. But I deleted them. I’d rather work on them silently, in my own time. God has been really kind to me. I’m blessed. I leave you with this thought especially if you want me involved. I get a lot of directions from friends and families. Try this, do this, do that.. this is for you.  DO NOT SUGGEST IDEAS THAT YOU CANNOT EXECUTE YOURSELF. (Unless you are willing to discuss a fair compensation, if you need my service that is)   Until then, your ideas are yours, mine are mine. 

I thirst!

Water, is becoming scarce,  Being in a pool of freshness,  Is just a memory.  We look deep down the earth,  We also look up the skies,  Though it’s the most abundant  The ocean cannot quench your thirst!  What do you give God who says,  “I thirst” ? 

Prison time

One day after another, I serve my prison time, For a crime that was not intended.  I miss the sun, and all the hedonisms,  Even the ones that could’ve been done indoors  The prisoner is going hard on me with the torture,  He puts me down as I pick myself up again, And again.  He took away loved ones, showed me who everyone really is.  All I have is my prison time,  A time to reflect, heal and feel remorse.  But did I deserve this? Only the prisoner knows  I’m at his mercy. I beg for his kindness,  I want freedom! I want my release.    These iron gates can’t contain me,  I will see the light some day! 

Putting one foot after another!

 With some support I’m able to use my right leg to limp around. I need to get my right leg as strong as the left. I decided to exercise a bit. Lack of movement showed me how my muscle shrank on one leg! Never taking working out and eating well for granted again. Stomach was quite bad last night. I’m still recovering and I wholly am receiving healing. 


 I watched 2 movies, tried to walk, got some sun. Ended up sleeping quite a bit. Stomach is getting better, still not 100 % yet. Back hurts from no movement. Can’t  wait to get back on my feet again. 

Stomach bug.

 I have diarrhea now! I went a lot of times to download today. Later, Solomon and Andy visited me I can’t write anymore. Healing!

Two different leg sizes.

 I noticed today that my right foot has shrunk from not being used. I also went to the hospital to check about correct walking protocols, but I couldn’t meet the doctor. Now I wait to heal better. I’m getting a little impatient as I count down to the day to remove the wire.


Today I got lunch and dinner from mom! Finally after much wait. I didn’t ask about it, but just grateful for what I can recieve. I’m not able to walk properly with the cast. I need to check with my doc. Maybe I’ll go tomorrow.  . 

Body pain.

 I suddenly have fever, that came from nowhere. I’m feeling it in each and every bone. I’m still figuring out why it is happening. Solomon got me lunch today and Ujwal is also not keeping well. Hoping everything resolves soon. Wish me luck. 

Putting my foot down!

 I put my broken foot down today. I was scared but there was no pain. Just inconvenience from the cast. My heel is not high enough to support the cast. But I walked with the help of crutches for a bit using both legs. I’m getting there. Atleast there’s no pain.  

Eating out!

Eating out is expensive! I spend atleast 700 bucks a day just to eat healthy. It’s easier to cook, but at the situation I’m in right now it’s not easy.  It appears I’m a burden to my family and I have to be independent. I mustered some courage to take my classes today. It was difficult sitting down for too long, but hey, a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. I’m just glad I’m able to work as well.  I spoke to Vinya today, she guided me to some business strategies to grow my music school. The newsletter Noize is getting a lot of appreciation from parents. I’m glad I didn’t miss the February issue.  I have to figure out a way to healthy food. Perhaps hire someone to cook maybe.  PS: one more day I’ll be on my cast feet.. then it’s gonna be healing until 26th. Fingers crossed! Wish me luck!🍀 

Jude Sharmi & Unni

 Today after church I was visited by Jude Sharmi and Unni. Solomon and Ujwal also joined and we were all talking about the bee movie Manjumel Boys. Looks like all of them teared up at the climax. Everyone loved the movie, I missed watching it in theaters. 


 Two more days and Ivan use my feet to walk again. I’m excited about this. But I’m not sure if my bones have healed. I took Avir’s class today, Solomon helped open the door for him. I also ordered biryani from Nandana palace and shared with my niece. Also, she told me she did her exam well. 

Growth pain?

 The inside of my legs feel like a pulling out a sticking glue kind of pain. I’m hoping that it heals completely.  I spent my day sticking to my niece’s timetable for learning math. I also had a shower so moving around with this was quite painful.  Solomon got me lunch, Pulao and chicken curry. It was delicious!