My music story : #41 : Taaq

Thermal and a Quarter was launching their album, Jupiter Cafe, and were playing a gig at music world. So Joey and I walked down to Brigade Road. I did not understand the Bangalore rock vibe back then. But I remember them to be very groovy and not Metallica or Maiden like! 

What made me love the band was the vocalist Bruce, played complex guitar parts and sang at the same time! I didn’t expect that level of musicianship! I was thrilled when I heard the band was named after Three malayalees and a quarter malayalee. 

After the show, I met the then guitarist Rajesh, who refused to sign the autograph and years later I was quite happy he was not in this band anymore. I bought their album “This is it” years later when I could afford the album. I think of them as the best band Bangalore has ever produced! 


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