My music story : #36: Givson Blue Diamond

 I finally had my guitar, now it was time to be in a band! Having the guitar, I was in, but there was a better guitar player! Joey. So there was an agreement made, I would be in the band, if Joey can use my guitar, I can play the bass and be in the band. 

We played Papa Roach, Nativity in Black, the Ugly Kid Joe version and Joey’s signature finger style blues! Joey was amazing on guitars! We ended up winning every competition we played. We won the rockstar status in college, we bunked classes with attendance! 

I just carried my guitar to college with a rough book in the guitar case. I spent a lot of time practising, watching, listening, learning all the music from Joey and friends. Joey and I hung out a lot, at brigade. We also went to a few shows together. He also lent me his music cassettes, where I heard Mr. Big, Ugly Kid Joe and Extreme. These artists became part of my everyday listening. 


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