My music story : #17 : Anand Varghese

Anand was two or three years older than me and he went to Clarence High school. Along with his school bag, he often had a guitar and a big fiction book that he would be reading. 

The girls loved him, I never saw him play with the UTC boys, but he did play tennis from time to time! He had an acoustic guitar! I heard him play very few times, but just him lugging the guitar around raised his status in the bus!

He spoke about the Beatles, how he would grow out his hair and marry a foreigner, which he did! 

Years later he formed Zebediah Plush, at Christ College, this was around the time Thermal and a Quarter was just picking up! Anand was an amazing guitarist and a singer/ front man of his band.

I finally watched him play live with the band, (years later) at Bishop Cotton Women’s Christian College. His band Z Plush, also had a female bass guitar player. We all gathered to see that cute unicorn finger that bass! 


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