Jackfruit tree fell!

My jackfruit tree was putting out its leaves where the sun was brighter away from the towering coconut tree. There were more leaves and branches over my neighbor’s empty plot. The tree was heavier on that side. We fastened a steel string to pull it back as support. But that steel string snapped in the wind today and the tree leaned to my wall uprooting slightly. I don’t think it will survive and I have to bring it down before it damages the wall further. 

I noticed a shepherd and asked him if he wanted fresh jackfruit leaves for his sheep and goats, about 50 of them. He said he was happy to take some away. In exchange he offered to give me some goat milk, but we had to milk them. I held the horn and an ear of the goat to stabilize, while he milked the goat. The goat did throw a kick a few times, but we managed to get about 2 glasses of goat milk. 


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