16 hours of fasting.

 I’m trying the intermittent fasting diet, 16 hours of fast. I’m not doing this for fat loss, but to get rid of the mind fog and to regenerate new healthy cells. My mom is on it as well. 

So, yesterday I had my dinner before 6:00 pm. This gave me a window of time to crash and sleep through the hunger after my classes. Then, I  kept myself occupied with some friends on discord. I drank water when I got hungry. Slept well. I woke up at 8:00 am hungry, I drank some water did my morning chores and walked 5000 steps. 

I had to somehow fight the urge to eat until 10:00 am. So, I went to the bakery nearby, they sell fresh eggs and came back home. The visit to the bakery killed some time. And mom made the best scrambled eggs, loaded with spinach, onion and some coconut oil. 10:10 I ate my breakfast. I have an eating window till 6:00 pm. I’m planning to keep this going.


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