Multiplication tables


I am teaching my niece, Natalia, multiplication tables. I recalled how I learnt this. My dad gave me a tiny book that had all the tables and other formulae and he said with authority “study from 2 to 10 by the end of the day or else”. I was given no choice. I know the table of 2, 5 and 10. I had just one day to study the other 6. 

That same evening I got caned for not memorizing them. I couldn’t recall most of it. I learnt with fear! I associated learning to punishments and long hours of tedious work. If only someone sat me down and taught me how to learn this. I didn’t even know or understand what multiplication was back then. 

This time, I didn’t throw the book at her and her to study tables. I sat her down explained it’s use, and we learn little by little, everyday.


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