This song is stuck in my head, triggering some emotions. Somewhere Only We Know, by Keane but sung by Rhianne . It’s an ear worm. It grabs my soul, cuts my heart like warm knife on butter. It must be her voice, or the lyrics! This song reminds me of the good old days, takes me back to my childhood when I was just learning songs on my guitar with a red Sony tape recorder! Nothing is going to be the same again! Age is catching up with no more of those simple things! The lyrics are quite melancholic, triggering an existential reflection. Oh simple things, where have you gone? I’ m getting old and I need something to rely on. And if you have a minute, why don’t we go, talk about it somewhere only we know? Suddenly I notice, my body hurts with no rest days! My brain is cooked with so much activity, now my heart and soul weeps. I’m almost reaching the breaking point, but at the same time, I know I’m in control. I hold it all together! This fight within is addictive! I drop on the fl