
Happy Ending at Cubbon Park!

The rain was quite heavy, she unfolded her umbrella and strode towards the bus stop to college. She hadn’t completed her anatomy project work and wanted to bunk so bad. She kept checking her watch and her phone as she brisk walked to the bus stop. Her heart beat so loud, she could literally hear it. She walked past the bus stop towards a red car that had the wipers running slowly on the windshield. She peeked into the red Hyundai - i10 and there he was! Anirudh, chubby and cute just like actor Madhavan, her ultimate crush.  She looked around to ensure that no one else was watching her and hopped into his car with gusto.  Anirudh dropped Mahima to college everyday. She saved on travel expenses in exchange for some kisses, plus she got bragging rights; boyfriend, who looked like Madhavan,  dropping her in a Hyundai -i10 and all . She didn’t know if she would marry him, but Anirudh was quite sure.  But today was different. Remember? She wanted to bunk, so Anirudh called in sick and off to


I hear you weighing my words,  Observing my actions,  And snickering away,  Mocking everything, I say, I do.  Let me tell you this, I will not stay Where I am disrespected,  Thank your God, or your lucky star, You are blessed, with joints that move, I was not, I am not. So, I will look you in the eye,  Next time “friend”  And you will see me,  Showing You a finger. Because everytime I do these things,  I’m breaking a part of me,  To become who I am,  I’m in pain!  Pain you have never felt. So never play with me,  Or my feelings!  I will not stay! Hyenas don’t have a good reputation,  So don’t be one.  Be a wolf.  Leave the pack,  Change!  Transform into one lone werewolf   And howl at the full moon! 

(Haitus) Do not read my blogs!

I’m back, writing again! Got a little push from the book I’m reading, The courage to be disliked.  I started writing, not caring about what people thought about me. My writing is not grammatically correct, I’m not trained. But I believe, the more one reads (avoid Chetan Bhagat)  and writes, the better one gets at it.  There came a point where, too many people were reading my blogs and I was asked questions about my religious belief, faith, relationships and the hidden meanings in the blogs. I like to keep my secrets. I like to share some. I’m not an open book even to the closest friends. I keep a lot of secrets of other people too. But all the questioning really made me uncomfortable because along with me, I would be exposing close friends and family.   There was also too much pressure to sound smart and witty when I wrote something. It stopped being something I really enjoyed! I had this need to be liked.  Today, I have the balls to be disliked! So dislike me all you want! Ask questio

Start over again!

I couldn’t sleep last night. At around 5:30 am I heard a child scream as if he was being beaten up and I went out to investigate. My Neighbour was hitting his wife, chasing her and their son out of the house. A lot of people gathered and stopped him from hitting her. There was lot of argument between them. Police was called, they came and took the complaint and left.  My mom asked me to buy an umbrella for Janani akka. So I ordered one from Amazon.  I worked out. My back hurts, but I’ll still workout. I am getting back to my routines I had before my accident.  I have to lean on my own spine and I will stand tall again. 


When do we move on? Aren’t we over complicating this? Calling each other names and pointing fingers at each other. Will that solve the issue? Is there an issue in the first place? What is it that we want to heal? Hurt ego? Guilt? Reputation? Or is it resentment? Why all the hate?  It’s just us. Small souls with big ego. Just breathe. We’ll be ok. Won’t we? 

Waffles and laughter

I bunked church, I didn’t feel like going. I stayed in reading books. I also planned my week, checked assignments, cleaned, listened to music and ordered in chicken biryani from Andhra Gunpowder. It was so spicy, I enjoyed the chilies in it (until next morning).  Then I got my bike washed, and took it out for a spin. It was a boring day until Solomon and I decided to hang out at  Bel Road with Andy! My appetite was through the roof on Sunday!  I had egg-cheese shawarma, at Smokey Dockey. Downed it with some coffee at IDC, while the boys ate idlis. I had my small guitarlele with me that I kept playing and ordered a sugarcane juice. Then we went to Milanos. I ordered waffle with blueberries and bananas!  Then I ordered a pineapple popsicle. Had that with some chili flakes and tobasco sauce.  We ended the night with some fun conversations and stories from the past!

Saturday is a working day!

Another hectic day yesterday! I had classes from 8:30 am to 7:30 pm with just 2 hours break from 1:00 to 2:00 and 4:30 to 5:30. It was a productive day!  I ended up working even during the breaks, making some calls to find venues and budgeting them.  After classes, I was tired, I ended up watching an interview of Hanumankind and I noticed how he was grateful about the support he got from his family and friends. A rather different story, compared to the artist who is always fighting against the odds. I then decided to read a book, but that was just a decision, I didn’t have the brain space to read and assimilate knowledge.  So, I lay awake, thinking, playing some online chess, listening to S.O.A.D. I really needed that energy! Then, I had this urge to play my guitar. So I played in front of the mirror, correcting my fingers through the exercises, till my fingers fell off!  I hopped in my bed with some chess/podcast and drifted to sleep!