Today while I was taking a walk in the park, I noticed a bird, pecking at the mirror very hard, thinking its own reflection as a threat! Back in college, in our psychology class we learnt about Narcissus, who fell in love with his own reflection. “The character of Narcissus is the origin of the term narcissism, a self-centered personality style. We all have these traits in us, we like seeing ourselves in a mirror. In a world of selfies, and quick filters, we can project something that we are not, out in to the world and get away with it. I’m not judging our narcissistic tastes. We are all flawed human beings. The reflection can be a perfect metaphor for life, where you see something you don’t like. We must learn to see this as an opportunity to change, instead of pecking at the mirror in hate. When you like what you see, just be happy and content without going overboard being obsessed over your wins. There’s always space to empathize with others, and be kind.