
Leap Year

I spent my day watching movies and teaching my niece mathematics. She’s on her final exams. I also helped create a study time table for her, so that she sticks to it. I could see that she was bitten by the procrastination bug, she wanted to postpone her studies to the next day, hence the time table.  I could feel the fracture move yesterday, it was painful but doctor said that it’s all part of the healing procedure. 


No one is going to pick you up when you fall! What’s worse is when your own flesh and blood, don’t care even if you’re dead. When you fall, people who are close show their true colours. I have realised that I am alone and I have to pick myself  and lean on my own spine, with special thanks to the kindness shown by far relatives and friends. 

Stitches Removed

Ujwal took me to the Baptist Hospital, to get my stitches removed. I thought it will hurt a lot, but it felt like pulling out scabs. I am healing well. The doctor also put a cast for a month, I’ll be able to walk for a bit using both my legs after a week. Now it’s time for my bones to set. I moved my ankle today while the dressing was removed it wasn’t as mobile as it used to be. Another month before the wire inside my nine comes off. 

Taking classes!

 I took classes today! It was difficult to sit on a chair but I made it through the gruesome 45 minutes, then I took all the online classes from bed thanks to the bed table that Solomon lended me and all set up ergonomically by Ujwal. I just have to get through this one day at a time. 

Massage + Guitar

Ujwal massaged my leg and I felt it coming back to life. Later Solomon came over and we jammed! I was sitting up to play after a very long time. Solomon and Ujwal went to Jethros to get some burgers. Then we played some more music and he showed me some John Mayer tunes to play and we jammed on “Why Georgia”. 

Stabbing pain!

 I’ve never felt pain like this before. I have a needle in my bone and every night it’s like someone stabbing you in the foot! The day seems to be ok. I’m wondering if this is normal.  


Mother, nephew, niece, neighbours, friends, family.  I’m thankful  I’m grateful