
Receding hairline

I have been anxious about my receding hairline since school days. I also assumed I will go bald by my early twenties but, I still have kept most of it on my head and I’m happy growing hair. Maybe I’ll lose it all but the bright side is that I still have it as I near my forties. Just trying to be happy with with what I have and sweep the rest of it away like some lost hair! 

Knowledge < Action

I meet a lot of students who absorb all the music theory taught to them and there’s hardly any application of it on the instrument. They approach music as a “head thing” and completely neglects the practicality of it. So like Herbert Spencer once said, “The great aim of education is not knowledge but action”. 

Guitar tech

I’m quite happy with the new guitar pedal software systems that are around now a days. I use positive grid’s BIAS FS2! I have been getting great sounds from this plugin. Inspiring ideas!

Perfectly imperfect

The Japanese concept of Wabi Sabi finds beauty in imperfection. I always strive for perfection, but the outcome almost always leads to a lot of dissatisfaction.  A cup of water sitting still can easily disturbed by a grain of sand! Your perfect spouse will age, you will age and have wrinkles. A broken cup can be fixed with some melted gold (kintsugi). Perfectly imperfect.  So, strive for perfection. accept the imperfection from the outcome, accept it’s uniqueness! After all, you are perfectly imperfect. 


Spoke to Denzil for an hour today and we discussed how he prepares meals for himself. He survives on breakfast biscuits and meals he prepares twice a week. He spends 3 hours to prepare 2 kg meals, stores them in small containers. This is something to try.


 Today was one of those days I just couldn’t get up from my bed. I did not do the 5:30 am shower and yoga. I just didn’t want to. I fought myself and got myself out of the bed to brush and take my meds. But, I really didn’t want to. Why this happens is maybe because I need to up my will power a little bit more. 


Mom and I got some mushroom spores from Hesarghatta and we put them in a grow bag. It is tedious to get them in a grow bag, we are hoping it will bear mushrooms. The mushroom variety we are expecting is lions mane and oyster. Fingers crossed.