
North Karnataka food

I ordered a chicken biryani on Zomato for ₹150. The bill after charges almost hit ₹300! Enraged, I cancelled the order and took my bike out to a small hole in the wall kind of place, that served North Karnataka food! I bought Rice, sambar, two sides of veggies, holige, papad and pickle all for ₹100! I could eat 2 meals for ₹100!! 


I’m trying to develop a mindset where I’m focused on the process and not the outcome. Most of the time it’s frustrating to see that we don’t meet expectations. The goal is the process itself! 


She just listened,  Didn’t say a word,  She just sat there, Listening to me.  I shared everything, All my problems, She looked at me,  As if she was helpless.  Then I knew.  I was woke!  I picked myself up  And walked! 


How do I bring order in this chaos I’m in? I think my midlife crisis is setting in. I’m noticing a bunch of health problems, fatigue, aging parents, lack of organization, heat etc setting in. This is why the midlife folk always grab on to their faith. God help me! 

Cleaning one room at a time.

There’s a certain wisdom in getting into the habit of cleaning. Being present and focusing in on the process is key. I’m going to start with the bathroom today, and proceed to other rooms over the week. 


 I took 1 hour to record a 5 second intro to a new track! Composing this took a long time! It was a very simple melody but took a long time! 

Khazana biryani

This biryani place was famous for its beef biryani. When I was in my pre university, this costed me ₹10 per plate. Now the biryani costs ₹130. Still worth the money and taste. Must visit Khazana at Johnson market in Bangalore,