
Workout : even when I didn’t want to

 I stayed in bed all day and didn’t feel like doing anything. It hurt a lot when I stood up, I felt the blood rush to my feet. I just wanted to rest it out. Ujwal got me out of bed, he told me take a walk. I walked with the crutches even though it hurt. I did some workout for my back and legs. 


 I am healing, it hurts when there’s a blood rushing into my leg when I stand up. Doctor said I am healing internally, externally it looks ok.  Ujwal did a massage for me with the electric massager today and my back felt  good. I missed the full fledged workouts. I also feel bad that I’m not doing anything productive. Tomorrow will be a big change! I promise!

Rosu’s birthday

 It was Rosanna’s birthday today. Lini got her home, I couldn’t prepare well for procuring gifts for her, so I took Solo’s help again to buy some things for her. Jayden also joined us for the party. The kids loved to dance around as well.  Joy uncle visited me as well. We talked about surgical experiences and also insurance. I ordered some food for the kids, then Solo hung out with me for a bit. My back hurts equally as my feet. I think it’s because I’ve not been working out. Looking forward to getting a good sleep tonight.

Medicines done!

 I had my last pain killer and antibiotics in the morning. My leg feels tingly all the time with pain. I have localized pain around the wound. Im also not sleeping well! I exercised all by myself, I’m keeping myself occupied by playing chess.  Later I felt a sharp pain on my hip and back possibly due to sitting and walking awkwardly. I need healing quickly! 

Pastor’s visit

 Pastor visited me today and prayed for me. Sam and family, Jude and family were there as well.  After they left, Jude and Sharmi joined me for lunch. It was a lot of discomfort for my feet. I felt my feet tingling. But still I got some exercises done with the help of Ujwal. 

Lunch from Sahana aunty!

I went up to the 1st floor today with Sebin’s help.. I stayed there for a few hours and then came down all by myself. Then I cleaned my music school space with the help of my niece. Sahana aunty visited me, she got me some lunch, it had fish curry and fish fry! I enjoyed the lunch. So nice of her to come by.   I taught my niece computers and took a nap, then Solomon came over and helped we with some workouts. I felt the blood rushing into my feet so I stopped. I booked appointment with Dr. Sam for my mom, she was not well, so Sebin bought me some egg fried rice from uncle kitchen. Then Andy called me and I got on discord with the boys. 

Day 4!

 Andy and Solo came by in the evening and I spent a lot of time with them. Ujwal drove us to Shettihalli circle and I had a tinder coconut. It was nice stepping out for a bit. I found it real hard to sit in the car but I adjusted somehow. I must stay home and not go out much.