
Piano live

 I went live playing piano today, after my classes. I could just play without any worries. I even tired and improvised some songs I thoroughly enjoyed it. I am still working on my other piano assignments and that’s not fun. It’s a lot of work! 

An EV ride for sheekh!

 I took my EV for a spin! I was quite worried if the charge will run out, I started the trip at 80% and made it back with 45% charge! That’s not bad eh?  I went to church street, Blossoms, picked up some comics for my niece and then off I went to Fanoos. I ordered a sambo roll! It was quite satisfying. I also packed some for home! I also met Andy and hung out with him.  The bike ride was quick, I beat the traffic and was back home in 35 minutes. 

Piano assignments

 I’ve been behind my piano assignment submissions and I really have to do something about it. I’m so caught up with other things that I’ve ignored this. So from today I’m going to put this into practice.  1. I must practice everyday, no matter what. 2. I cannot sleep without recording an assignment.  3. Piano practise time must be without any interruptions, and flight mode should be maintained.  4. Practice and submit assignments for 2 hours each day until I catch up with deadlines. 


 Yesterday was quite eventful! It was conformation day at church. I got invited for a few lunches, but I chose to be with Denzil’s sister’s confirmation celebrations. Nivedh and I sang a Purify my heart and after that I came back home relaxed for a bit took a Power Nap and went to the Agape party. Our hosts were Rajesh chetan and Sharon chechi. We had a good time singing songs and catching up! 


 Ujwal, Sebin and I were at the Taaq gig that happened at Fandom. We drove to Jethros, had a beef burger with extra peanut butter and bacon first and then to Koramangala, Fandom! The show didn’t blow my mind as expected, the mix wasn’t great. The band also did just 2 songs that I knew. The acoustic session was drum heavy! I’d love to catch them at a different venue maybe. 

Missing Gym

 I missed gym this entire week. I was going through some aches and pains. But I get uninterrupted sleep for my sleep duration and I think that’s helping. My music lessons are getting hectic. I need to keep this going because exam season is coming up and there will be a sudden drop in students. I hope god is kind. 


I said No,  To sugar, but I gave in once a week I said No,  To laziness, but I gave in once in a while  I said No,  To staying up late, but what about the day before?  I said No,  To fossil fuel, but that’s just a joke  I said No,  To toxic friendship, but they are around  I said No,  To alcohol, but I did get to taste it last week I said No,  To a dirty house, but that’s a work in progress  I said No,  To loans, but here comes a new purchase!  I said No  To love and that’s keeping me sane!