
Water : borewell!

 The bore well that supplied water to our layout had a leak. Most people went without water for the past few weeks. Today they started early to fix it. I cancelled my classes to spend time with this. We still don’t get water. Water comes to my water tank only when it has filled all the other tanks. And most of those tanks have a leak.  So, one whole day went behind this. To make matters worse, the pump switch caught fire today and we just got that fixed. A lot of running around, getting an electrician! It got a lot busy today. Now to face the rest of my Saturday! 

Backyard gym

Mom and I started early! 8:00 am to clear the backyard. We pulled out a lot of weed, killed snails, prepared and planted the pumpkin patch. 1 hour at the back yard and I was already shaking. Gym does not tire me out this much. This made me realize how a daily wage worker is built for doing this consistently. Gym may not be the best option for strength training after all. 


Our area’s bore well water stopped suddenly! Today some people came to fix it. The diagnostic was conducted by cutting a pipe and letting out water to see how long it lasted. The pump ran for a good hour.  Solomon’s dad found this as an opportunity to collect water and he put together a hose from the water that was being wasted. I also joined in. We collected a good amount of water.  

Pumpkin patch!

I dug a pit for planting pumpkins.. to be more specific butternut squash. I had some of its soup last night. It was damn tasty! So we decided to grow more of it.  The pit was 1.5 feet deep. Mom and I also filled it with leaves. To allow the good soil bacteria to grow! We’ll add some kitchen compost and soil tomorrow and plant the squash babies tomorrow! 

My go to snack for now!

Pumpkin seeds, toasted. 100gm salted, 100 gram unsalted with a spoonful of stingless bee honey! Pitted prunes! This is so satiating after lunch! A healthier replacement to my sweet cravings. 


In the game of life,  I have sacrificed the queen! Pawns could become queens,  She will survive only if the game is played right! 

Music workshop

 Today I conducted a music workshop for kids at Immanuel church. They were curious add paid attention and were participatory.  Here’s what i did.  Ice breaker  1. Body percussion : creating rhythm clapping hands, stomping feet snapping fingers etc   2. Create a music instrument: divide the group into small teams and get them to make a music instrument using things around like rocks, shells, twigs, strings etc (maybe I need some help here organizing this)  3. Story telling with music: We made up a story and I used my guitar for the various scenarios they came up with.  It was a nice experience! I would prefer that I have more serious musicians in the workshop so that I can do more serious music topics.