
New things added to my routine!

I know I’ve been ranting about gymming a lot! Today onwards I’m going to add some things to do regularly. I may not be able to stick to it. I have a clean home mostly, thanks to Revathi, who just takes care of my place without being told. I have time to focus on other things.  I have to set up a google calendar with tasks and get these done at a specific time. This would mean that I miss time with friends on discord, maybe I’ll lose a few friends. Or I can do this once a week and schedule this as well.  Today is planning day. Maybe I’ll share it here some time. Off I go for now. 


I woke up early today! 6:00 am. I lazed around and at 7:30 am I went to the gym! I was given a few light warm ups and exercises to do which I completed without much difficulty. I met the two gym instructors there, Thomas and Bharath! after gym I met Harish, and fixed an appointment for an Ayurvedic massage at 10:00. I reached home at 11:30 and cleaned my house. 


I signed up for a gym membership. I had a long chat with Bharath the trainer at the Gym. I have asked him to go easy on me. Last time my muscles were so sore and my recovery was slow. I’m looking forward to this, have to wake up early and go to the gym. Excited! 

Night out

After a meeting at 9:00 pm, I was starving so Solomon, my Joe Neighbour suggested we go to Al Amanah cafe. So we drove to the place. I ordered a falafel roll with an extra egg! The roll was heavenly! After which we hung out with Satish at a chai joint! Reached back home very sleepy at around 12:30! So this is a late blog! 

An outing with my nephews!

 I took my nephews who visited me from Kerala. They helped me pull out some weed and burn them and then I took them out to Hunan! We had some delicious chili pork, noodles and fried rice. Then we went to Milano for ice cream which was heavenly. We came back home quite late! So I’m writing this before I get some shut eye. 


He whistled at her, to get her attention! She, pretended to not hear the shrill sound clutching her books close. She threw a gaze at him from the corner of her eye and caught him combing his hair through his fingers.  She reached home and found her mom missing! Complaining loudly that the woman does one thousand tasks at the same time she switched off the stove that had a whistling milk cooker on.  As she turned the cooker off, came another whistle! This time  it was the garbage collector with a cheap coach whistle. She disposed the garbage and stepped back in! She was late for her class!  Her brother was in the toilet, whistling to the tune of ARR’s   hamma hamma! “Open the door Biju” she yelled, the whistling stopped abruptly, and immediately! She would definitely be late for her classes!  She god done with her chores and took a bus to college! The conductor whistled, alerting the driver to start the bus.  As she entered college, the PT teacher had her whistle going to get the school

Ravi and Johanson

Today I met Ravi and Johanson at New Bel road. We caught up. I am meeting Johanson after so many years! He went through a divorce recently and seemed to be doing fine.  Ravi told me about his life in Goa after he moved there and how he’s living like a rockstar! We went to plan B then had chapatis as Nammura Naati Mane and had chapati and murtin curry and then has ice-cream at Milano.